BroadbandMT Annual Membership Meeting
August 18-20, 2025

200 S Pattee St.
Missoula, MT 59802

Our Annual Membership Meeting is a telecommunications policy conference attended by more than 100 BroadbandMT member senior execs from Montana’s telecom industry.  We offer sponsorship opportunities and other ways for Associate Members to participate. There are no booths/table tops for Associate Members, but it is a great venue for exposure to senior level telecom executives and the public policies that affect the industry.

Room reservations at the Holiday Inn Downtown can be made by calling 406-721-8550 or click here; reference BroadbandMT. Room rates start at $299/night plus tax. Room block rates expire July 18, 2025.  Please note that the booking link above is NOT mobile compatible. Discounted rates are available three days before and after the contractual dates of August 17-20, but you must call to make your reservation.

Registration coming soon!

Telco Member Pricing
$450 | $500 after August 4th

Government Pricing
$200 | $250 after August 4th

Golf: TBD
Guided fly fishing in rafts on the Clark Fork River: TBD 

2022 Pictures
2021 Pictures