Become a MemberASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: $600 / Calendar YearMembership period: January 1 - December 31 BroadbandMT represents the locally-owned, rural telecom/broadband providers of Montana. Our member companies invest over $100 million every year in telecom CAPEX and OPEX, covering 70% of Montana’s geography. We have over 100 associate members, representing telecom consultants, engineering firms, service providers and product manufacturers. Membership Statement: BroadbandMT represents the locally-owned regulated and USF supported rural telecom/broadband providers of Montana in addition to associate member telecom consultants, engineering firms, software service providers, and product manufacturers. To maximize relevant content and attendee engagement, attendance at the Annual Meeting is exclusive to current Broadband MT members. Non-members are welcome by invitation, subject to non-member rates and other conditions as appropriate. The Board of Directors shall have the right to refuse membership to any person, firm, or corporation whose membership the Board, in its sole discretion, shall determine to be not in the best interests of BroadbandMT. Benefits of Membership: